

DKKI is a manufacturing company of electrical thermocouples and accessories located in Iran. The challenge of this project was to redesign their new website to modern web standards, in order to help the company’s mission of expanding business across Europe, while keeping the company’s essence through its brand colors. The project started with an analysis of the website’s current information and page count. The original website had a dropdown navigation of more than 5 levels in depth. This required some UX analysis before starting to work on the new design’s wireframe. The main concept in this new design is to restructure the website’s navigation in order to simplify the user’s search query once inside the site.

100vh Above the fold design showcasing foundy industry.
Redistribution of company partnership to a second plane. Instead of having these two links as the first thing you see when you enter the website.
DKKI Website design mockup

Technologies Used

Adobe Photoshop Icon Adobe Illustrator Icon Wordpress Icon Invision Icon HTML5 Icon CSS3 Icon SaSS Icon

Technical Challenges

After the wireframe and mock-up was presented, the website was developed using HTML5 and CSS3 technology, and then adapted as a PHP powered theme onto the popular content management platform, Wordpress.

See the Pen DKKI Text format by saraconache (@saraconache) on CodePen.

<article id='basicmarkup'</article>

Markup follows a single, landing page design of different sections.

#styles{display: block;}

In order to succesfully adapt to Wordpress, I imported a dummy content pluging that generated random content to style efficiently.

var title = 'javascript rocks';

This website used Javascript to generate smooth scrolling effect from the top of the navigation.

<typography='Open Sans'>

DKKI logo typography - Open Sans


DKKI redesigned logo


DKKI color palette